A Scoundrel's Promise (The Marriage Maker) Read online

Page 7

  He glanced around his room. He wouldn’t take much. Just a few books and an extra plaid. The rest, even his sketchbook, he would leave behind.

  The past week he’d come to realize just how far Mackenzie had succeeded in breaking through to his heart. He would miss her perky smile and her challenges.

  “We are ready to leave,” Kyla called from the hall for the third time. “Are you coming?”

  Considering his strained relationship with Lord Dunn, he’d had no intention of attending Lady Dunn’s party. Kyla had insisted. Why, he hadn’t a clue.

  “Don’t let me keep you,” Liam replied.

  After a moment, Kyla poked her head through the open doorway. “Do you promise to come?”

  Liam nearly smiled. He would miss her and her damned persistence.

  “Well?” she prodded.

  He nodded.

  “I shall hold you to your word, Liam.” She pursed her lips.

  “Aye.” Most likely, it would be at least a year before she saw him next. She wouldn’t remember.

  She withdrew into the hallway and, a few minutes later, the clatter of fading hooves in the courtyard signaled both she and Ewan’s departure.

  Liam stuffed his plaid and books into a saddlebag, slung the saddlebag over his shoulder, and went downstairs. Strange how the abbey had come to feel like home in so short a time.

  Liam slipped out of the abbey and strode to his saddled and waiting horse. He affixed his saddlebag to the saddle, mounted, and urged his horse across the courtyard and through the abbey gate. He would spend the night in Inverness. Kyla would be upset upon receiving his letter of farewell, but she would eventually understand. Ewan already did.

  Liam slackened the reins and allowed his horse to set the pace. It wasn’t until he broke from the trees and heard the strains of a quartet floating on the wind that he realized he’d turned his horse toward Newborne. The manor house stood aglow with light. Carriages lined the drive. Somewhere in the ballroom, Mackenzie’s eyes sparkled as she tossed her head back and laughed at something Gilford said.

  Why torture himself so? Even more curiously, why was he urging his horse down the drive when he had no plans to make himself known? Did he hope Mackenzie stood in her room, peeking at him through the curtains as she had only days ago? He looked up at her window. Low light flickered in her window, but she didn’t stand looking down at him. Why should she, when she had Lord Gilford?

  He guided his horse around the mansion toward Freya’s paddock. The proud, majestic Arabian reminded him of Mackenzie in so many ways. Why visit the animal? Because he couldn’t bear to let the last ties to Mackenzie go.

  Damn, he was a fool.

  Liam neared the paddock. The moon and house provided enough light to reveal an empty paddock. He pulled the left rein to circle back the way he’d come. The horse started to turn, when a shadow separated from the stable to the left.


  Liam drew a sharp breath. Mackenzie. Alone. In the dim light, he could see only her silhouette as the night wind molded her pelisse to her body.

  He halted his horse, leapt from the saddle and strode toward her.

  “You came,” her voice hitched.

  “Is not Lord Gilford waiting for you inside?” he asked, his voice hoarse with a jealousy he couldn’t hide.

  She snorted. “All the more fool, if he is. I was coming to find you.”

  Liam halted in front of her. “Is he not your fiancé?” He held his breath.

  “Does the idea of Lord Gilford marrying me bother you?” She tilted her head.

  His blood stirred. Such an infuriating woman. She stepped close, almost into his arms. Her heady scent tortured him. If he stayed a moment longer, he would never leave.

  She isn’t yours, fool.

  “Where is Freya?” he whispered.

  Mackenzie glanced at the paddock. “She was here moments ago. I bid her good night.”

  He scanned the fence, looking for any sign of breakage.

  “Wait.” Mackenzie held up a hand. “Did you hear that?”

  Liam stilled, then heard a horse whicker.

  “There,” Mackenzie pointed to an outbuilding on the right. “Did she jump?”

  Liam shook his head. “The fence is too high.”

  “Then she is loose.” Mackenzie sprinted toward the outbuilding.

  Liam hesitated, but when she vanished around the corner of the outbuilding, he set off after her. Why was he always running after this woman?

  Mackenzie cried out. Liam broke into a run. He neared the building, then skidded to a halt. With one hand clamped over Mackenzie’s mouth, Mallatratt was dragging her toward his horse, behind which he’d tied Freya. Liam flattened his back against the building.

  “Lady Mackenzie?” a man called.


  And he was approaching the other side of the outbuilding.

  “Mackenzie?” Lord Dunn shouted a second later.

  The earl barreled around the opposite corner of the building with Lord Gilford at his side. Mallatratt released Mackenzie’s mouth and she screamed as he yanked a pistol from his waistband. Lord Dunn and Gilford halted when he jammed the pistol muzzle against Mackenzie’s head.

  “One more step, and I will shoot your lovely daughter, Dunn.”

  “Take anything you wish,” Lord Dunn held up his hands, palms out. “Anything.”

  Mallatratt laughed. “I am of a mind to take your daughter, as well as the horse.”

  Cold fury flashed over Liam, but he forced calm and eased around the building. He crept forward. Dunn didn’t give away Liam’s presence, but Gilford’s eyes widened. Mallatratt spun as Liam lunged. Mackenzie stomped on Mallatratt’s foot. The pistol arced up and fired. Mackenzie screamed. Liam nearly collided with Lord Gilford, who stampeded past like a terrified bull.

  Liam rammed his fist into Mallatratt’s jaw. His head snapped back with an audible crack. Lord Dunn grabbed his daughter and pulled her to safety as Liam drove his fist into Mallatratt’s belly. The man squealed like a stuck pig. The scream died on the third blow as he went limp. Liam straightened, breathing heavily.

  “Are you hurt?” Mackenzie broke free of her father’s grasp and threw herself into Liam’s arms. He held her close.

  He ran his hands over her, ensuring himself she was whole. “Did he shoot you?”

  “Nae, I am unharmed. What of you?”

  Liam closed his eyes, heaved a breath of relief, and pressed his forehead against hers.


  As Mackenzie stiffened, Liam lifted his head.

  Lord Dunn stood a few yards away, his brows drawn in a hard line. Liam straightened and pulled Mackenzie against his side. The earl’s eyes flicked to Liam’s arm around Mackenzie’s waist. Half a dozen servants stampeded around the corner of the building.

  “We heard gunfire,” one man said.

  “We are well.” Lord Dunn pointed at Mallatratt. “Bind him and send for the constable. Tell him I’ve got the missing cattle thief.”

  Someone whistled as the men descended on the unconscious rustler.

  “Where is Lord Gilford?” Lord Dunn demanded.

  Liam snorted. “When the pistol fired, he ran away.”

  Lord Dunn went silent for a moment then started toward the mansion. After three paces, he tossed over his shoulder, “Come. The both of you.”

  Liam had no choice but to follow. Near the house, they met Lord Gilford emerging from the pantry door.

  Lord Dunn stepped into his path. “How nice to see you again, Gilford,” his voice held sarcasm.

  Gilford froze.

  “How unfortunate you must cut your stay in the country short,” he. continued coldly. “As I will be occupied when you leave, I will say my farewells now.”

  Gilford’s mouth thinned.

  “Come, Fraser.” The earl waved him forward. “Let us see Mackenzie to her mother, then join me in my study for a drink.”

  “I will not be foisted off, Papa,” Macken
zie said as her father entered the pantry.

  He paused and faced her. “Pardon?”

  “I shall join you and Lord Liam. If I am the subject of conversation, I should be included in the conversation.”

  “Do you not trust your own father?” he chided softly.

  She stepped closer to her father and met his gaze square. “I have learned that fathers are not the best judges of what their daughters might wish for in a husband. They tend to focus on the man’s yearly sum.”

  A maid entered the pantry and stopped short. “My lord.” Eyes wide, she glanced from Dunn to Liam and Mackenzie.

  “Mackenzie, Frazier, come with me.” He headed up the servants’ stair and led them to his study.

  The moment they stood safe within its walls, Mackenzie rounded on her father. “I will marry Lord Liam, Papa.”

  Liam blinked, and her father opened his mouth to reply, but she cut them off.

  “I realize you are only trying to ensure my security, but there is more to life than money.”

  Liam was surprised to note the smile Dunn quickly hid.

  “Stability,” her father replied as he crossed to the table to the left of his desk where sat a sherry decanter and glasses. He began to fill a glass. “Is not stability the best gift a father can bestow on the child he cherishes most in the world?”

  Mackenzie gave a slow nod. “Stability is not as important as other things, Papa. What of love?”

  “Love does not pay debts,” her father rejoined as he poured a second glass of sherry.

  “I would rather live in a humble home filled with love, with a man who makes my heart flutter, than with a plump lordling with a fat wallet.”

  “Says an heiress who has never known hardship,” Liam cut in. Damn it all, he’d have a say in his own marriage.

  Father and daughter turned toward him.

  Mackenzie was the first to speak. “Perhaps, says a man who believes he cannot attain his heart’s desire.”

  “Very astute,” Liam murmured.

  The earl turned from the sherry he’d poured. “It is time I return to my guests.” He met Liam’s gaze and lifted a brow, then turned and started for the door.

  Liam stared in surprise as the man clicked the door shut, leaving him and Mackenzie alone. She hurried to Liam’s side. Even after the evening’s ordeal, she was beautiful, elegant, a lady in her element. Such a complex woman could hold his interest for a lifetime. His gaze dropped to a lock of her hair, curling around her swanlike neck. She was an uncommon beauty. How had she so easily captured him under her spell?

  “Marry me,” she whispered.

  “Am I not to ask that of you?” he queried as he took her into his arms.

  “You will take too long.” She slid her palms up his chest and clasped her hands behind his neck.

  “I can only offer you a humble life.”

  She smiled, her eyes shining like stars. “If I am with you, I can live in an earthen-floored hut.”

  “I am not that humble—”

  “You’re taking too long,” she interrupted.

  Without waiting a moment longer, she pulled his head down for a kiss.

  Chapter Nine

  Mackenzie closed her eyes, enjoying the wind wildly whipping her hair as the powerful muscles of the Arabian moved beneath her. Freya was her soulmate. Her perfect match. Never would she love a horse more. She lifted her lashes and saw, with regret, that they’d reached the low wall demarking the southern end of Newborne land. With reluctance, she pulled the reins and slowed Freya to a walk.

  A whistle sounded behind her. A glance over her shoulder revealed Liam, galloping toward her at full speed.

  “What are you doing?” he asked when he slowed his horse alongside hers.

  “That’s hardly a way to greet your wife,” Mackenzie teased.

  He shot her a look torn between exasperation and amusement. “You are not my wife until next week, Mackenzie, and I would like very much to keep you alive until then. I do not jest. I told you, Freya’s not ready.”

  “I disagree.” She dismounted and patted the Arabian’s withers.

  “By God, I should bend you over my knee for a right proper spanking,” Liam swore as he swung down by her side.

  Mackenzie peered up at him through the fringe of her lashes. “Why, Lord Liam, I must confess, that sounds rather intriguing.”

  His eyes darkened, just as she’d known they would. Again, her heart skipped in that delightful way it always did when he looked at her so. She stepped into the circle of his arms and trailed a finger down his jaw.

  “I knew I was going to wed you the moment I saw you,” she murmured. “A humble life with you, Liam…that is all I want.”

  “Humble? With the estate, cattle, and property your father has showered upon us, I fear you’ll be disappointed in that regard.”

  Mackenzie snuggled closer. “He is just ensuring our security.”

  “Aye, but—”

  “Kiss me,” she interrupted, and closed her eyes in anticipation.

  “With pleasure.” His lips brushed her cheek, then he added, “Right after a proper spanking.”

  Mackenzie’s lashes flew open as he scooped his arm under her knees and tossed her over his shoulder.

  “Whatever are you doing?” she squealed.

  He swatted her buttocks playfully as he strode to the grass under a spreading oak that shaded the wall.

  “I told you.” He breathed into her hair as he slid her down his chest. Her feet still dangled above the ground. With one arm locked around her waist, he began to knead her buttocks with the other. “A right proper spanking.”

  Mackenzie lifted her lips to his. If this was a spanking, she would have more. His mouth took hers, gently at first, but with increasing urgency, and when she parted her lips, his tongue swept inside to tangle with hers. Desire sent a charge straight to the place between her legs. Lord, she loved his hand on her buttocks. His fingers burned like summer fire.

  She pressed against the hardness of his manhood. A thrill shot through her with the knowledge that she had such power over him…or was it the opposite? Of late, their kisses had left her aching for more. His lips roved over hers, fueling her passion, and it wasn’t until she felt the cool air caress her naked buttocks that she realized he’d lifted her dress to her waist. Startled, she broke the kiss.

  “You are beautiful,” he murmured.

  Both hands cupping her naked buttocks, he pulled her close against his erection.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist and shivered.

  Liam pressed kisses to her neck, then her jaw. The combination of his fingers kneading her flesh combined with his lips sucking so lightly made her weak. He dropped to one knee, then laid her to the ground. Her skirt lay bunched about her waist, the hem reaching only halfway to her knees. Embarrassed, she reached to pull her dress down, but he caught her fingers in his.

  “Nae.” He nuzzled her neck. “I would see more.”

  The thought alone made her tingle. “More?”

  He answered by capturing her mouth again even as he pushed aside her pelisse and drew her gown over her shoulder, exposing her left breast. Before she could respond, he drew her nipple into his mouth and suckled. Mackenzie’s lashes fluttered. Yes. This was what she wanted. Instinctively, she arched into his mouth. He began rubbing his hard length against her naked thigh. He lifted her dress higher. Mackenzie’s eyes flew open.

  Liam released her nipple, lifted his head and whispered, “Open your legs for me.”

  Mackenzie complied at once. He rolled on top of her. The press of his weight fueled the ache building deep inside. She needed more. To her disappointment, he lifted himself off her and sat back on his knees.

  “Why are you stopping?” she gasped.

  “Stopping?” He gave a hoarse laugh. “Nae, my bonny one. Far from it.”

  Lord, she must look downright wanton with her breast exposed and her naked thighs spread. He surprised her by pushing her dress higher
. Then he grasped her inner thighs and spread her legs even wider. Warmth crept up her cheeks as he stared at her most secret place.

  “You are so wet,” he half growled.

  Was that good or bad? Before she could ask, he slid a finger inside her. A strange excitement shot through her. Yes, oh yes! This is what she wanted. She lifted her hips.

  “So eager,” Liam chuckled. “So ready.”

  Cloth rustled. Mackenzie closed her eyes and held her breath as he inserted a second finger and the sensation of being stretched swept all other thoughts aside. He slid his fingers in and out of her. So slowly. So maddeningly, wonderfully slow.

  Again and again he filled her. Sometimes adding a third finger, other times, swirling the nub above her nether lips with his thumb. Sensations burst through her and she grew slick with want. He removed his fingers altogether and pulled her up onto the slant of his thighs. She started when he spread her nether lips wide.

  Something pressed into her then, much bigger than before. Mackenzie opened her eyes. She gazed into his raw lust, then dropped her gaze. His manhood jutted toward her, stiff and large. He’d inserted the tip into her body…but he was so large…so long. Surely, he didn’t plan on pushing his entire shaft inside?

  “How much…how far will you go?” she breathed.

  “You can take me,” he rasped. “Open your legs wider, Mackenzie. I'm hungry for you.”

  She spread her legs wider. She stared at his thickness. He stretched and filled her in the most satisfying way, but how far did he plan to go?

  “Is that deep enough?” she asked, torn between consternation and a burning desire to move.

  Liam chuckled. “Lass, you have only just taken the tip.”

  “More, then?” She swallowed.

  He pulled his cock nearly all the way out before sliding back in again, this time a little deeper. “Believe me, my love. You will want all of me.”

  All? Again, he pulled out and thrust back. Aye, perhaps he was right. The more he filled her, the more intense the sensations. Liam closed his eyes and established a rhythm, sliding the tip in and out of her slick heat until she could no longer hold still. She had to move. Eagerly, she lifted her hips to meet his thrust. He slid in, penetrating her far deeper than before.